Exodus Swap後失去了XMR:第三方問題和KYC惡夢



2024-06-25 20:15国旗美国
大約一個月前,我在Exodus錢包中將BTC換成了XMR。幾天後,它們從我的錢包中消失了,我聯繫了Exodus支援團隊。他們告訴我,Exodus通過第三方API提供商直接提供所有換幣和法幣訂單交易,並將我轉介給了Cripto Intercambio支援團隊。首先,他們要求我完成KYC驗證(沒有明確解釋為什麼我應該這樣做以及我的錢包或貨幣有什麼問題),我完成了驗證。然後,他們開始要求我提供大量不同交易的截圖,甚至是我在其他交易平台上進行的交易!好吧,我發送了他們要求的所有東西(大約10-15個不同交易的截圖),然後他們只是告訴我
Around a month ago I swapped BTC to XMR in Exodus wallet. A few days later they disappeared from my wallet and I contacted Exodus support team. They told that all swap and fiat order transactions initiated through Exodus are directly served by third-party API providers and redirected my to Cripto Intercambio supports. Firstly, they asked me to complete KYC verification (w/o any clear explanation why I should do that and what is wrong with my wallet or coins) and I completed it. Then they started to requests tons of the screenshots on my different transactions, even the ones I did using other trading platforms! Alright, I sent everything they requested (around 10-15 different screenshots with the transactions) and then they just told