I have tried to withdraw 160 d



2024-05-14 00:20国旗Colombia
I have tried to withdraw 160 dollars from my invested money, but this exchange bibox does not send it to my desired withdrawal account. This seems like a scam exchange, they are thieves who do not respond to you for your money. They are quick to receive it, but when it comes to withdrawal, they hold it and pretend to be working for you, but they do nothing to release the funds. We must report them to the Estonian government to intervene with these thieves.
He intentado retirar 160 dólares de mi dinero invertido y este eschange bibox no realizan el envió a mi cuenta donde quiero retirar, esto parece un exchange estafa, son personas ladronas que no te responden por su dinero, para recibirlo si de una pero para el retiro se lo detienen y se hacen que están trabajando por usted y no hacen nada para liberar el envió, debemos reportarlo ante el gobierno de estonia para que intervenga estos ladrones.