Involved in money laundering, 50% self-certification fee is required



2023-07-30 21:54国旗Taiwan
The withdrawal failed today, and the customer service responded as follows: Hello! Account name: --- UID: -- Certificate number: --- After review by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), there are many funds with unknown sources suspected of money laundering and malicious disruption of the order of the exchange. Total unknown funds: 75,000USDT violated the management agreement of the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) and triggered the account withdrawal restrictions caused by the risk control system. The supervisory authority seriously suspects that your money laundering behavior has caused your account to be unable to withdraw. According to the requirements of the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), you need to provide the following requirements: 1. A photo of the front and back of your ID card, and a photo of your ID card in hand 2. Bank account information (including account name, account and recent Details for more than three months) 3. Pay 50% of the unknown funds as a self-certification fund to prove that there is no illegal activity suspected of money laundering in your account. The unknown fund in your account is: 75000USDT. You need to pay (75,000*0.5=37,500) 37,500 USDT self-certification fund, and the review time will be 1-3 working days after the payment is completed. Only after passing the review can the account authority be restored, and the self-certification fund paid will be returned to your account within 24 hours after the account is restored to normal. Please pay the self-certification fund and submit it to customer service within 7 working days. If you fail to pay within the time limit, the exchange will permanently freeze your account, thank you for your cooperation. Thanks. NASD TRC-20 wallet address: TQN1EdEfMboj7ZUWjVpFNyWnqK7zaMPik3 NASD ERC-20 wallet address: 0xC408465441bEf558cDd8709bf67832Bd7796133E
今日要提領時失敗,客服回應如下: 您好!帳戶名:--- UID:— 證件號:--- 經美國證券交易委員會(SEC)審查有多筆資金來源不明涉嫌洗黑錢和惡意擾亂交易所秩序。 不明資金共計:75000USDT 違反了美國證券交易商協會(NASD)管理条约以及觸發風控系統所造成的帳號提幣限制,監管部門嚴重懷疑您洗黑錢行為導致您的帳戶無法提幣,根據美美國證券交易商協會(NASD)的要求需要您提供以下几点要求 1.本人身份證件正反面照片各一張、手持身份證照片一張 2.銀行帳戶資訊(包含戶名、帳戶及近三個月以上明細) 3.缴纳不明資金的50%作為自證金,證明您的帳戶不存在涉嫌洗黑錢的不法行為。 您帳戶不明資金為:75000USDT,您需要繳納(75000*0.5=37500)37500USDT 自證金繳納完成後審核時間1-3個工作日,審核通過方可恢復帳戶權限,繳納的自證金將於帳戶恢復正常後24小時內一併退回至您帳戶。 請您於7個工作日内繳納自證金提交客服處理,若超時未繳納交易所將永久凍結您的帳戶,感謝您的配合。謝謝。 美國證券交易商協會(NASD)TRC-20錢包地址:TQN1EdEfMboj7ZUWjVpFNyWnqK7zaMPik3 美國證券交易商協會(NASD)ERC-20錢包地址:0xC408465441bEf558cDd8709bf67832Bd7796133E
Unable to Withdraw