A Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange ibitt in London, England to Find No Real Business Premises Here

United Kingdom United Kingdom
Field Survey Time:2021-01-22
A Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange ibitt in London, England to Find No Real Business Premises Here
A Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange ibitt in London, England to Find No Real Business Premises Here A Site Visit to the Cryptocurrency Exchange ibitt in London, England to Find No Real Business Premises Here

4-6 Dryden Street, London, England

Inspection Reason

The England's cryptocurrency market is one of the most active and liquid markets in the world. According to CryptoCompare data,England ranks 11th in the most active Bitcoin market. Most British people buy cryptocurrency on online cryptocurrency exchanges. In order to help investors understand the England's cryptocurrency exchanges more comprehensively, the inspection team went to England to visit.

Inspection Process

The inspection team would visit the cryptocurrency exchange ibitt in London, England. The address is 71 Shelton St, London WC2H 9JQ, UK.



The investigators came to the destination, an office building at 71 Shelton Street, London, England. It was found in a small alley. The investigators looked around but failed to find the house number of the above site. Meanwhile, the investigators didn't find the logo or name of the cryptocurrency exchange ibitt.

Inspection Conclusion

The investigators went to London to visit the cryptocurrency exchange ibitt. The public business address was in a small alley. The exchange’s logo or name couldn't be found. Therefore, the business premises of cryptocurrency exchange ibitt may not exist. Investors are advised to choose this exchange carefully.

Inspection Statement

The above content and opinions are for reference only and not as the final selection basis.

Broker Information

No Regulation



2-5 years | Suspicious Regulatory License | High potential risk
  • Company Name: ibitt
  • Country/ Region of Registry: Chile
  • Abbreviation: ibitt
  • Official Email: support@ibitt.co
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/investaco_uk
  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/InvestaUK/
  • Customer Service Number: --