Someone introduced me to this



2024-03-22 10:43国旗Hong Kong
Someone introduced me to this trading platform before and I participated in activities to earn money. However, after completing the activities, they not only refused to let me withdraw, but also claimed that I couldn't withdraw because I took too long to complete the activities. They even required me to reach a certain rank to be able to withdraw. Furthermore, if I wanted to withdraw quickly, I had to pay 100,000 HKD to activate VIP status. Now, the customer service has repeatedly used system maintenance and upgrades as an excuse to not respond to my inquiries, making it impossible for me to withdraw.
之前有人介紹我玩呢個交易平台 做活動賺取金錢 誰知活動完成後 不但不給我提現 還說因為完成活動時間比教耐 所以冇法提現。還要以名次去提現 再說如果想盡快提現還要給100000HKD去開通VIP。誰知現在客服多次使用系統維護同升級 不回覆我的查詢 想盡辦法令我不能夠提現