
2023-05-05 09:59国旗巴基斯坦
他們開始販賣新幣BEM并凍結賬戶3個月,并表示價格未到30usdt錢不能出金,當價格達到30 usdt時,他們宣布作為擔保,人們必須存入1%的賬戶總資產,然后他們才能解鎖了賬戶,并給出了5月3日的最后期限和人們的存款作為擔保,現在今天是5月5日,他們關閉了服務器,現在無法訪問賬戶。
They start the selling of new Coin BEM and freez the accounts of the peoples for 3 month and said that the price not reached 30 usdt the can not with draw the amount and when it is reached 30usdt they announced that as security they people's must deposit 1% of the total assets in the accounts and then they unlock the accounts and gave the dead line of 3rd May and people's deposits the money as security and now today is 5th May they shutdown the servers and no access to access to accounts now.