Belem Exchange 的經理宣稱bem幣只有再封90天或者價值達30usdt才能提款。 現在已經達到30usdt 以上,他們說需要付總資產的1% 才能提bem幣。 這是欺詐。 如果他們說的是真的, 他們應該從我們的總資產中扣除,然后把剩下的錢給我們。
Managers of Belem Exchange,declare that the currency bem,
Either it remains blocked for 90 days or its value reaches 30 usdt, withdrawal will be allowed.
Now that it has reached above 30 usdt, they announce that we should recharge our account with 1% of the total capital so that the bem currency is freed.
This is fraud.
If they are telling the truth, they should deduct from our total capital and give the rest of our money, please take care of it.