manajer dari BELEM penukaran, nyatakan bahwa mata uang itu bem, baik itu tetap diblokir selama 90 hari atau nilainya mencapai 30 usdt, penarikan akan diizinkan. sekarang telah mencapai di atas 30 usdt, mereka mengumumkan bahwa kami harus mengisi ulang akun kami dengan 1% dari total modal sehingga mata uang bem dibebaskan. ini penipuan. jika mereka mengatakan yang sebenarnya, mereka harus memotong dari total modal kita dan memberikan sisa uang kita, tolong urus itu.
Managers of Belem Exchange,declare that the currency bem,
Either it remains blocked for 90 days or its value reaches 30 usdt, withdrawal will be allowed.
Now that it has reached above 30 usdt, they announce that we should recharge our account with 1% of the total capital so that the bem currency is freed.
This is fraud.
If they are telling the truth, they should deduct from our total capital and give the rest of our money, please take care of it.