剛剛檢查了網站,它比你想象的要糟糕得多。他們聲稱可以花 250 美元購買 13,888 枚硬幣,每枚硬幣的價格為 0.018 美元,但他們聲稱每枚硬幣價值 5,000 美元,這意味著我之前的陳述仍然正確。我購買了 41,666,666 個硬幣,理應 208,333,330,000 美元。
Just checked the website and it's way worse than you led on. They claim you can but 13,888 coins for $250 which means it would cost $0.018 per coin and they claim $5,000 value per coin which would mean my
previous statement is still correct but by far is it miniscule. The same investment from a few houses ($750,000) would buy me 41,666,666 coins which would make that investment worth $208,333,330,000 and would make me the richest man on earth.