我損失了將近 2000 美元,不要相信任何人



2021-08-13 08:10国旗尼日利亞
同樣的詐騙案發生在我身上,損失了約2000美元 ,一切看起來都是合法的。即使用谷歌搜索也會作為合法的公司出現,電報上有很多群組。我是新手,所以天真地相信了他們。好在我可以多加班把錢賺回來。不知道那些騙子怎么能心安理得地騙人。
I here ya, same happened to me all totaled at least 2000, everything looked legit.Even if you google them it comes up as legit company. There's tons of them on telegram and they look and sound so legit.I'm new to this so I was naive and had to learn the hard way, but you know the saying if something sounds to good to be true it usually is. Thank God I make really good money and can work a couple extra shifts and get it back. Don't know how those people sleep at night, even to use God's name in