


2023-04-08 09:40国旗美国
所有交易者,请远离,不要充值或取款,你必须通过客户服务,他们要么参与其中,要么被指示使用这些策略。他们对每个人使用类似的话(先生,你必须等待操作流程先完成),我在那里有一个朋友,他们对每个人都使用它,不要接受,保持在线并坚持,少量,也许我拿回来了,大笔的,想都别想。我试着提取100k,你猜怎么着,(先生,我得先付你的税)我很震惊,你不把它从我的账户里拿出来吗?而且他一直重复要先缴税,一直说提交我的税单后,我会得到一份纳税申报表,但是我的p/l报表在哪里。所以我问,我应该交多少税?过了一会儿他回来并输入我需要为230 万纳税! ! ! !他们到底是怎么得出这个数字的,我问我能看看吗,他继续重复你需要先缴税。最后我询问了关闭程序,他没有告诉我就关闭了它,说是我想关闭它,即使你关闭它,我也没有看到支票或任何东西,只是同样的东西,你需要交税并向他们出示税收收据,现在我什至无法接触到他们。您甚至可以访问交易所,任何地方都没有地址。联系人停止说话,男孩,不要成为骗子,看看下面他们的年龄检查照片,伙计们,如果你知道这个交易所的地址,我很想知道,
Fellow traders, pls stay away from NGOEX, to recharge or withdraw, u have to go through customer service, they are either in on it or been instructed to use those tactics. they uses words like ( sir, you have to wait for the operation flow to finish first ) to everyone, I got a friend there, they use it on everyone, don’t take that, stay on the line and insist, for small amounts, maybe I get it back, for big amounts, don’t even think about it. I try to withdraw 100k and guess what, (sir, I got to pay your tax first) I was shock, don’t u take it out from my account? and he just keep repeating to pay tax first, all the while, say after submitting my tax receipt, I will get a tax return form, but where is my p/l statement. so I ask, how much tax should I pay? He came back after a while and type I need to pay tax on 2.3 million!!!! how the heck did they come out with that figure, I ask can I see it, and he go on repeating u need to pay your tax first. and finally I inquired about the procedure to close and he close it without tell me and say it was me who want to close it, even when u close it, I don’t see a check or anything, just the same thing, u need to pay your tax and present a tax receipt to them, how now that I even lose access to them. you can even visit the exchange, there is no address anywhere. the contact person stop talking and boy, don’t be a scammer , look at how they age check photo below, guys, if you know the address of this exchange, I would love to know,