

2023-05-01 17:51国旗Turquía
actualmente no se abren retiros, nos engañaron, no se da nuestro dinero, esperamos, chantajeamos, hay miles de victimas, queremos una solucion, queremos nuestro dinero, hay gente que necesita dinero, hay. hay quienes tienen esperanza en el Currick sistema, hay un terremoto, hay quienes lo necesitan en la zona del terremoto, hay que encontrar una solución urgente.
Currently, withdrawals are not opened, we were deceived, our money is not given, we hoped, blackmailed, there are thousands of victims, we want a solution, we want our money, there are people who need money, there are. There are those who have hope in the currick system, there is an earthquake, there are those who need it in the earthquake zone, an urgent solution must be found.
Fraude inducido