Currickplataforma gran estafa estafa



2023-04-29 17:30国旗Turquía
el Currick plataforma, en la que opero con el consejo de mis amigos, no permite retiros, incluido el dinero principal que deposité, el Currick plataforma ha engañado a todos y extorsionado su dinero, nadie debe confiar en esta plataforma y depositar dinero, nos han estado engañando durante meses, han confiscado nuestro dinero y extorsionado.
The currick platform, which I trade on with the advice of my friends, does not allow withdrawals, including the main money I deposited, the currick platform has deceived everyone and extorted their money, no one should trust this platform and deposit money, they have been deceiving us for months, they have confiscated our money and extorted it.
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