Sin previo aviso, de repente convirtieron toda la propiedad que tenía en moneda BEM, que les pertenecía, y afirman que se retirará durante los próximos 3 meses. Estamos preocupados porque hicieron obligatorio el acceso a la propiedad que teníamos sin permiso. Lo que sea que hayan anunciado hasta ahora no es más que una mentira. Gracias si puedes cuidarlo. Perdimos mucho dinero para nosotros que vivimos en Irán y no lo conseguimos.
Without warning, they suddenly converted all the property I had into BEM currency, which belonged to them, and they claim that it will be withdrawn for the next 3 months. We are worried because they made it compulsory to access the property we had without permission. Whatever they announced so far was nothing more than a lie. Thank you if you can take care of it. We lost a lot of money for us who live in Iran and we didn't get it.