Today's Monero USD price, cryptocurrency converters used by major exchanges to convert XMR price to USDT, can also be converted to EUR, HKD and other tokens chart.
The chart below displays the most recent prices within the last three hours of today. The current exchange rate for XMR to USD is 1 XMR equating to $0.05734, and each USD is worth 191.34 Monero. The market capitalization is $3.4526b. Over the last week, Monero has decreased by -8.04%, reaching a high of $220.52 and a low of $187.17. Over the past month, Monero has fallen by 18.90%, hitting a high of $220.52 and a low of $155.50. Over the past year, Monero has dropped by 10.55%, with its highest hitting $220.52 and its lowest at $113.04. According to Wikibit's latest statistics from today, million XMR have been traded across 306 global markets. Beyond pricing information, let's also examine the evaluations.