www.ybiaktsxb.com said that the tax should be paid, but it still said that the amount did not match and no payment was made. He also said that there is a fixed income from mining every day, and when he wants to withdraw money, he will not withdraw money maliciously. Be careful with this platform. Binding fox wallet



2023-07-25 12:28国旗Taiwan
www.ybiaktsxb.com said to pay taxes Make it up and say that the amount does not match and no withdrawal will be made It is said that daily mining has a fixed income wait until withdrawal But not withdraw maliciously be careful with this platform Binding fox wallet
www.ybiaktsxb.com 說要補稅 補進去ㄧ樣說金額不符 不出金 說每天挖礦有固定收益 等到要出金 卻惡意不出金 小心此平台 綁定狐狸錢包
Unable to Withdraw