They are not allowing withdrawals from the platform, they have held the money for over 72 hours and then canceled it, saying that the system is slow.



2023-06-23 05:07国旗Colombia
The platform has implemented a compound interest event that has led us to have huge profits, but when it comes to withdrawing the money, they do not allow it. They say that in order to withdraw, a fine of more than $4,000 must be paid and sent to an address provided by them. The platform has had major connection issues that make us doubt this. They promise that withdrawals will take a maximum of 48 hours, but when that time has passed, they cancel the withdrawal and hold onto the profits. Many of my friends are experiencing the same thing, but they are afraid to report it due to potential reprisals from the platform.
la plataforma ha llevado un evento de interés compuesto que nos ha llevado a tener grandes ganancias pero al momento de retirar no dejan hacerlo, y dicen que para poder retirar hay que pagar una multa por más de 4.000 dólares que se deben enviar a una dirección que ellos dicen, la plataforma ha tenido grandes falencias en conexión que hace dudar mucho acerca de esto, ellos prometen que los retiros demoran como máximo 48 hrs y pasan ese tiempo y cancelan el retiro reteniendo las ganancias, tengo muchos amigos que están pasando por lo mismo pero les da miedo reportarlo por miedo a represalias de la plataforma.
Unable to Withdraw