There are various reasons to pay fees for withdrawal



2022-10-29 00:24国旗Taiwan
If you want to withdraw money, it will say that the account is frozen! If you pay a deposit first, the freeze will be lifted! Then you will be asked to pay for various reasons! Letters of notice of cancellation are sent to you almost in the middle of the night! Also told you that only 30 minutes for withdrawal! Otherwise, there will be a late fee! After all, there are various reasons!
要提幣就會說帳號被凍結! 要先繳納一筆保證金就會解除凍結! 然後就會用各種理由要你繳納費用! 通知解除的信件都幾乎半夜寄給你! 還跟你說只有30分鐘辦理提領! 不然就是會有滯納金! 反正就是有各種理由就對了!
Unable to Withdraw