
Ahmed 6139


2024-07-26 19:32国旗阿爾及利亞
請遠離Thinkmarket 今天我來解釋我在ThinkMarket的不滿意經歷已經超過八個月,但他們拒絕了所有的請求。我多次聯繫我的賬戶經理,但沒有解決方案,發送了50多封電子郵件。我還聯繫了客戶支持部門。 我當時的問題是他們的應用程序thinktrader有更新,所有客戶都知道這一點,所以我進行了交易,開倉後,它拒絕關閉,直到賬戶Margan,我有證據。 如果你擔心你的錢,請遠離ThinkMarket
Stay Way From Thinkmarket Today I am coming to explain my unsatisfactory experience with ThinkMarket for more than eight months to solve the problem, but they rejected all requests. contacted my account manager more than once without a solution, & more than 50 emails were sent. I also contacted custmer support My problem at this time was that there was an update in their application thinktrader and all clients knew about this, so I entered trades and after opening trades, it refused to close until the account Margan and i have I have proof of this If you are afraid for your money, stay away from ThinkMarket