


2024-03-19 02:24国旗埃及
大家好,我在这里写给那些有机会进行交易甚至听说过这个骗子欺诈平台的人们...我是从一个新加坡朋友那里听说的...它声称清晰,并且有各种更简单的方式和节点来进行交易。USDT的入金很容易,我存入了一笔诚实的金额来试试看🤦🏼‍♂️,但我后悔了,因为资金增加了100 USDT,而且我在2个月内没有使用该账户,尽管我为资金提取设置了安全密码...我试图提取资金...提交了申请...并添加了我的币安账户...两天后...钱没有到账,系统冻结了我的账户,并告诉我我的资产正在审核中!所以我等了一个多月...仍然没有结果...我试图给他们发邮件...没有回复...所以我打电话给客服中心...解释了问题,他们无视了我,并告诉我账户已经平静了2个月...所以我告诉他们我已经验证了我的身份,并且有安全密码可以提取资金...
Hello everyone im writing here for whom who would ever get a chance to trade and even hear about this liar fraud platform ..I heard about it from a singaporian friend .. it claimed that is clear and has varios easier way and nodes to trade The usdt entry was easy and i deposited an a honest amount to give it a try 🤦🏼‍♂️ and i regret that when money enlarged by 100 usdt and i didnt use the account for more than 2 months , despite having a safe password for funds withdrawal .. i tried to withdraw .. made an application .. and added my binance account .. 2 days later .. the money didn’t arrive and the system got my account freezed and told me that my assests are in review! So i waited for more than a month .. nothing yet .. i tried to mail them .. no mail .. so got to the call centre .. explained the problem and they ignored me and the told me the account was at calm status for 2 months .. so i told them that i verify thats me and there is a safe passwords for withdrawals ..