
Fund Loser - India


2023-12-28 22:10国旗印度
親愛的大家,閱讀我的評論的人,請仔細閱讀並完成。我來自印度-在Shadi App上遇到了一個女孩的個人資料,那個假女士告訴我關於Deuncoin。我在這個投資中損失了22萬卢比。這些騙子們使用國際號碼進行交易,他們可以掠奪金錢。這個網站是由騙子經營的。他們在網站上有客戶服務,也有WhatsApp號碼。他們會讓你進行交易,你可以看到你的帳戶資金最大化。這只是他們在網站上做的把戲。如果金額較小,他們會先給你一些錢。我已經收到了2萬卢比的回報到我的銀行帳戶。但這也是騙局。過了幾天,你的銀行帳戶將被凍結。你無法從銀行帳戶提取錢,因為你收到的任何錢都是從其他人那裡掠奪來的。他們會投訴,你的帳戶將被凍結。如果你有帳戶,請立即向網絡犯罪調查組和最近的警察局投訴。
Dear All,Who is reading my comment, please read carefully and complete.I'm from India- Met one girl profile from Shadi App, That fake lady informed me about Deuncoin. I have lost 22Lakhs investment in this. These scam people-deal with international numbers -they can loot money.This website is -dealed by scams. They have customer service in website as well as by whatsapp number.First they will make you trade and you can view your account getting fund maximized. This is just a trick that they are doing in their website.They will provide you money first time if the amount is less. I have received 2 Lakh return to my bank account. But this is also scam. After some days your bank account will be freezed. You cannot withdraw money from your bank account because what ever money you have received is looted from some other people. They will complaint and your account will be freezed. Please Complaint to cyber cell and your nearest police station ASAP, if you have account.