MS B 機構是一個責任無知的機構。玷污了我們的在線面。 M



2023-08-19 14:02国旗孟加拉國
MS B 機構是一個責任無知的機構。玷污了我們的在線面。 MT FE 通過在許可證上貼上標籤來欺騙公眾幾個月。他們無法在這方面採取有效行動。他們沒有採取任何措施退還窮人的錢。如果這一點得到證實,那麼加拿大政府將密切參與其中。 MT調查顯示,MT FE故意製造了這起事件,通過扣除原有餘額來威脅民眾。由於許多人依靠這個由加拿大政府管理的號碼而自信心MSB:M 220765070。資本隔離 加拿大頂級銀行沒有人可以免除這一責任。如果加拿大政府和許可證頒發機構不迅速對所有這些機構採取行動並將資金返還給窮人,那麼他們在法律上也不能免除責任。他們的許可證已過期並欺騙了公司。公共安全在哪裡?
M. S. B authority is a liability knowledgeless institution. Has tarnished our online side. Where M.T. FE has cheated the general public for months by tagging their license. They could not take effective action in this regard. They have not taken any steps to return the money of the poor people. If this is proven then the Canadian government is closely involved. M.T. Investigation shows that MT FE has intentionally caused the incident, threatened the people by deducting the original balance.As many people were involved in self trust MSB:M 220765070 relying on this number which is managed by Government of Canada. Capital Isolation Top bank of canada No one can be exempted from this responsibility. The government of Canada and the license authority are not legally free from their responsibility if they do not take quick action against all these institutions and return the money to the poor people. They have expired license and cheated the company. Where is the public safety?