


2023-08-19 04:27国旗印度
關于暫停并關閉BORA NSQ交易所提現通道BORA NSQ的公告 2023-07-23 尊敬的BORA NSQ用戶: BORA NSQ交易所存在部分用戶,使用虛假身份信息注冊和虛假交易的逃稅、洗錢行為,導致洗錢和黑錢流入交易所! 目前BORA NSQ交易所正在積極準備上市。 根據國際證券法和國際反洗錢法,聯邦調查人員正在向我公司發出調查通知。 現BORA NSQ交易所將暫時關閉出金業務,等待問題徹底調查處理。 處理完成后,將恢復出金。 BORA NSQ 交易所 2023 年 7 月 23 日
Announcement on suspension and closure of BORA NSQ exchange withdrawal channel BORA NSQ 2023-07-23 Dear BORA NSQ users: The BORA NSQ exchange has been subjected to tax evasion and money laundering by some users who use false identity information to register for false transactions, and there are tax evasion and money laundering behaviors, resulting in the flow of money laundering and black funds into the exchange! At present, BORA NSQ exchange is actively preparing for listing. According to the international securities law and international anti-money laundering law, federal investigators are sending an investigation notice to our company. Now BORA NSQ exchange will temporarily close the withdrawal business and wait for the problem to be thoroughly investigated and dealt with. After that, it will be fully released. BORA NSQ Exchange July 23, 2023