Belam 交易所已停止所有的提款20了天。并已宣布您無權訪問已在 BELEM兌換至3月11日,兌換成bem幣。并且在未經用戶許可的情況下,將所有用戶的資產兌換成bem幣,事件發生后,所有bem幣都被凍結,不允許將bem幣兌換成usdt提現。誰在BELEM公司有usdt存款 ,當用戶提現usdt后,將轉為bem幣并凍結,bem資產在交易部分歸零,不允許出售。
Belam Exchange has blocked all withdrawals for twenty days. and has announced that you do not have access to the users' assets that were already available in the belem exchange until March 11, and they will be converted into BEM currency.
And without users' permission, all users' assets are exchanged to BEM currency
And after this incident, all BEM currencies are blocked and do not allow to convert BEM currency to USDT for withdrawal. And whoever has USDT currency in the deposit section of Belem company, when the user withdraws from the USDT deposit, it will be converted into BEM currency and will be frozen, and the BEM asset will be zeroed in the transaction section and will not be allowed to sell.