先生/女士,您好,我被叫去開設一個LUNO帳戶并說我會被介紹給比特幣。他們指導了如何開戶 他們通過電話向我提供了有關如何開戶的所有說明。我做到了,當我要求出金時卻不行。這簡直是垃圾,我有截圖證明我沒有在我的賬戶上進行任何交易。當我給他看我買了比特幣時,我兒子試圖提取資金,他說這是一個騙局。請協助我取回資金。我希望對此進行調查。
Good day sir/madam,
I was called to open up a LUNO account and said I would be introduced to Bitcoin. They directed how to open up an account they gave me all the instructions over the phone on how to open up the account. I did and when I asked to withdraw I couldn’t.
This is plain rubbish I have the screenshots to prove I did not make any transactions on my account.
When my son tried to withdraw the funds when I showed him I bought Bitcoin he said it is a scam .
Please assist me in getting back the funds. I would like this to be investigated.