大家好,小心 Instagram 和 WhatsApp 上的這個騙子,他會主動向失業或因 COVID-19 被封鎖的人發送消息,自稱是一名專業投資者,住在英國。他也是這個假外匯網站的幕后黑手:https://www.aausforex.xyz:23310/dist-v2/index.html#/position/。我被他引誘在這個網站投資,我被他騙了44000澳元,無法出金。
Hi everyone
Everyone should be careful with this scammer on Instagram and WhatsApp, as he is an impersonator who actively sends messages to people who are unemployed or who are in lockdown due to COVID-19. He claims to be a professional investor and lives in the UK. He's also the one behind controlling this scam forex website: https://www.aausforex.xyz:23310/dist-v2/index.html#/position/.
I was lured by him to invest in this site, I got scammed out of $44000 AUD by him and I can't withdraw