ENKUU 是一个彻头彻尾的骗局!不要向他们汇款或使用他们作



2024-03-17 16:29国旗美国
ENKUU 是一个彻头彻尾的骗局!不要向他们汇款或使用他们作为经纪人。ENKUU 使用欺骗手段从客户那里窃取资金,并拒绝访问您的资金。如果您尝试从您的账户中提取超过几美元,将会发生以下两种情况之一:1)您的账户将被标记为“恶意提取”,然后您必须存入您要提取的确切金额;或者2)您将被要求支付会员费,金额可能在2万到4万美元之间。如果您支付了会员费,仍然试图访问您的资金,那么您必须预先支付您想要访问的资金的税款。基本上,ENKUU 的代表将在您尝试访问您的资金时一直阻挠您。
ENKUU is a total scam! Do not send money to them or use as a broker. ENKUU uses deceptive measures to steal money from their clients and refuse access to your funds. If you attempt to withdraw more than a few dollars from your account, one of two things will occur: 1) your account will be flagged for "malicious withdraw" and you then have to deposit the exact amount you are looking to withdraw; or 2) you will be required to pay a membership fee that can range $20,000 to $40,000. If you pay the membership fee and still attempt to access your money you then have to pay taxes upfront of the money you want to access. Basically ENKUU representatives will stonewall you at every attempt to access your money.