我被Dbg公司骗了。他们的完整地址是 https://m.d

Arif Ünlü


2023-12-25 17:19国旗土耳其
我被Dbg公司骗了。他们的完整地址是 https://m.dbg-coltdfx.cc/。我犯的唯一错误是我没有在互联网上看到关于这家公司的任何不好的评论,所以我做了很多研究,由于我找不到任何信息或评论,我认为它是可靠的。这是我从事这份工作的唯一原因。一位VIP会员坚持了好几天让我进入这个行业,他们一直努力直到说服了我,结果我把钱存到这家公司,两个多月都无法取款,VIP会员问我存入我存入的金额。我代表这家诈骗我的公司向土耳其首席检察官办公室立了调查档案。诉讼程序仍在继续。是的,我被骗了,从我意识到这一点的那一刻起,我对这家公司展开了调查,我是原告,他们封锁了我的账户,我将所有证据提交到我的调查档案中。
I was defrauded by Dbg company. Their full address is https://m.dbg-coltdfx.cc/. The only mistake I made was that I didn't see any bad reviews about this company on the internet, so I did a lot of research and since I couldn't find any information or reviews, I thought it was reliable. That's the only reason I got into this job. One of the VIP members insisted for days to get me into this business and they tried until they convinced me and as a result, I deposited money to this company and I could not withdraw my money for more than two months and the VIP members asked me to deposit as much money as I deposited. I opened an investigation file with the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office in Turkey on behalf of this company that defrauded me. The litigation process continues. Yes, I was defrauded and from the moment I realized this, I opened an investigation against this company and I am a plaintiff, they blocked my account and I submitted all the evidence to my investigation file.