
Arif Ünlü


2023-12-24 05:07国旗土耳其 本网站所属的DBG公司是一家彻头彻尾的诈骗公司,不会投资你的钱。您永远联系不到 DBG 公司的员工。您无法通过电子邮件或现场聊天应用程序联系任何人。这家公司是一家诈骗公司。他们的网站上没有明确的地址。作为一家在中国成立的公司,您可以在互联网上获取信息。但永远不要相信和投资你的钱。您永远无法从您的帐户中转账,您的帐户中有 5000 美元。他们告诉你要额外存入 5000 美元。他们做出了一个内部决定,要求您提取 10,000 美元。据称,他们开始这种做法是为了防止洗钱。您将损失在本网站存入的所有资金,并且永远无法取回。该网站是一个假网站,该网站所属的 Dbg 公司是一家欺诈公司。 The DBG company belonging to this site is a complete fraud company and do not invest your money. You can never reach DBG company employees. You cannot reach anyone via e-mail or on-site chat application. This company is a fraudulent company. There is no clear address on their website. As a company established in China, you can access information on the internet. But never trust and invest your money. You can never transfer money from your account, there is $5000 in your account. They tell you to deposit an additional $5000. And they made an internal decision to require you to withdraw it as $10,000. Supposedly, they started this practice to prevent money laundering. You will lose all the money you have deposited on this site and you will never get it back. This site is a fake site and the Dbg company that belongs to the site is a fraudulent company.