有很多usdt卡在这个地方..他们让你交易和提现,直到你盈利10,000,然后收取20%作为费用。您有 14 天的时间付款,如果您不付款,则每次未及时付款都会增加罚款。您只能向他们告诉您的钱包付款,并且必须是新存入的硬币。您无法从钱包中转账。您必须在计算机上登录该网站才能联系客户服务..这是一个彻头彻尾的骗局,远离他们.....url信息 https://dbex-global.com ...
have a lot of usdt stuck on this place .. they let you trade and withdraw until you have made a 10,000 profit, then the charge 20% as a fee. you have 14 days to pay and if you don't then a fine is added that goes up every time you not pay in time. you can only pay to the wallet they tell you and it must be fresh coin deposited. you can't transfer from you wallet. you have to log onto the site on a computer to be able to contact customer service.. a total scam stay away from them .....url information
https://dbex-global.com ...