我开始的时候大约是 280 美元,然后他们要求更多,财务顾问



2023-08-22 09:38国旗加拿大
我开始的时候大约是 280 美元,然后他们要求更多,财务顾问说他会赚更多的钱。所以我同意投资2000美元,然后他说他有计划让Mae赚更多。他会购买比特币,我必须投入一半,平台会给我剩余一半的信用。他们做到了。然后他要求我支付20%的佣金才能拿到钱。所以我试图付钱给他们,但他没有回复我,我也没有得到我的钱。他们转移的是 USDT 以太坊,加拿大任何钱包或平台均不支持该货币。现在我不知道如何拿到我的钱。他们的电子邮件不起作用,支持人员永远不会回复。那家伙从来不回答。这只是一个骗局,我在他们平台上的帐户仍然显示我的钱待处理。看来他们冻结了我的帐户。我希望给他们-100的排名
I started with $280 around then they asked more, the Financial Advisor said he’ll make more money. So I agreed to invest US$2000 , then he said he has a plan for Mae to make more. He’ll buy Bitcoin I have to put half and platform will give me a credit for the remaining half. They made it. Then he asked me to pay commission which 20% to get my money. So I tried to pay them, then he never replied and I never get my money. They transferred USDT Etherium which is not supported with any wallet or platform in Canada. Now I don’t know how to get my money. Their email doesn’t work, the support never answer. And the guy never answer. It’s just a scam and my account in their platform still showing my money there which is pending. And seems they froze my account. I wish to give them -100 ranking