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2023-07-12 22:45国旗印度
立即购买和出售加密货币 通过电子邮件购买加密货币,推荐并赚取现货交易通知, $30746.21 btc 0.4% $22.45 sol 1.76%。 Bora合并升级及活动通知:100%返利活动延期公告,Bora并购估值进展报告,Bora并购估值进度通知及大礼包送!! Bora合并升级及活动通知: Bora 2023-07-12 亲爱的 Bora用户:目前, Bora已与国际机构达成并购初步协议,现交易所正式进行全面升级!目前交易所更新如下: 1. Bora交易所正式更名为“ Bora nsq” 2.全面升级交易页面,更加简洁美观!3.全面扩展服务器,让交易更流畅!4.智能拆单撮合,选择最优价格进行交易。5.t+1提现系统,提现更安全。6.增加风险保障资金额度,用户资金保障更高。7.充提通道升级,充提更顺畅!8.安全体系全面升级,提高用户信息和资金安全!新版本的推出,改进了视觉外观、系统功能,让用户操作更加便捷!更多功能将持续更新,直至合并结束,敬请期待!为了满足国际组织的要求,保证交易所的用户量数据最真实有效, Bora交易所将清除无效账户(指恶意注册、反向奖励账户、刷卡账户、一人多账户),系统将重置所有账户,在此期间所有账户将转为非活跃状态。所有账户未激活期间,投资者需手动补仓。
Home Buy & Sell Crypto Instantly Email Email Buy Crypto Referral & Earn Spot Trading Startup Notice $30746.21 BTC 0.4% $22.45 SOL 1.76% BORA merger upgrade and activity notice: 100% rebate activity postponement announcement BORA M&A Valuation Progress Report BORA M&A Valuation Progress Notice and Big Gift Giveaway! !! BORA merger upgrade and activity notice: BORA merger upgrade and activity notice: Bora 2023-07-12 Dear BORA user: At present, BORA has reached a preliminary agreement with international institutions for mergers and acquisitions, and now the exchange is officially undergoing a comprehensive upgrade! The current exchange updates are as follows: 1. Bora Exchange officially changed its name to "BORA NSQ" 2. Fully upgrade the exchange page, more concise and beautiful! 3. Fully expand the server to make the transaction smoother! 4. Intelligent order splitting and matching, choose the best price for transaction. 5. T+1 withdrawal system, more secure withdrawal. 6. Increase the amount of risk protection fund, and the protection of user funds is higher. 7. The deposit and withdrawal channel has been upgraded, and the deposit and withdrawal are smoother! 8. The security system has been fully upgraded to improve the security of users' information and funds! The launch of this new version has improved the visual appearance, system functions, and made user operations more convenient! More features will continue to be updated until the merger closes. Stay tuned! In order to meet the requirements of international organizations and ensure the most authentic and effective user volume data of the exchange, BORA Exchange will clear invalid accounts (referring to malicious registration, reverse reward accounts, swiping accounts, and multiple accounts by one person) and the system will reset all account, all accounts will be changed to inactive status during this period. During the period when all accounts are not activated, investors need to manually recha