危险❌❌:希望大家不要被Martin Dimitrov骗,保加利亚警方应该调查他的罪行
2023-06-06 16:20尼日利亚 马丁·迪米特洛夫(Martin Dimitrov) 是保加利亚人,他不支付员工工资并实施诈骗。 2022 年,他雇佣了5 个人(我是其中之一)来参与他建立的加密项目(BUIDL Academy & DAO)。工作9 个月(2022 年9 月- 2023 年5 月)后,他拒绝支付工资。他还冒充LIFI 项目(通过在PinkSale 上虚假启动,打算筹集7800 BNB),通过这个项目他骗取了人们的BNB。大家应该避开Martin Dimitrov,他是个骗子。不支付员工工资还实施诈骗。他不值得信任,大家不要发送给个人信息也不要打钱。保加利亚警方应该调查他的罪行。他犯了欺诈和盗窃罪,应该为自己的行为负责。如果您被Martin Dimitrov 骗了,可以向保加利亚警方举报。以下是有关骗局的一些额外细节: 2022 年,他向投资者承诺,他将用他们的钱投资新的加密货币项目。然而,他却用这笔钱来过奢侈的生活。 2021 年,他创建了一个看起来像合法加密货币交易所的假网站。然后,他诱骗人们将钱存入该网站,然后将其窃取。 2020年,他制造了一个向投资者承诺高回报的虚假投资机会。然而,这项投资是也一场骗局,投资者损失了所有的钱。
Martin Dimitrov is a Bulgarian who has a history of not paying his employees and scamming people. In 2022, he employed 5 people (I'm one of them) to help his crypto project (BUIDL Academy & DAO). After 9 months (September 2022 - May 2023) of working, he refused to pay them for their work. He also impersonated the LIFI project (by creating a fake fair launch even on PinkSale with intention to raise 7800 BNB), where he scammed people of their BNB.
The public should avoid Martin Dimitrov because he is a con artist. He has a history of not paying his employees and scamming people. He is not trustworthy and should not be given any money or personal information.
The Bulgarian police should investigate Martin Dimitrov for his crimes. He has committed fraud and theft, and he should be held accountable for his actions.
If you have been scammed by Martin Dimitrov, you can report him to the Bulgarian police.
Here are some additional details about Martin Dimitrov's scams:
In 2022, he promised investors that he would use their money to invest in a new cryptocurrency project. However, he instead used the money to fund his own lavish lifestyle.
In 2021, he created a fake website that looked like a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange. He then tricked people into depositing their money into the website, which he then stole.
In 2020, he created a fake investment opportunity that promised investors high returns. However, the investment was a scam and investors lost all of their money.