我不能出金。我和我团队中的25人都在这家公司。他们赖网络营销。该公司在未说明理由的情况下停止了共计25人的出金。一些赞助商和CEO通过另一个团队的人向团队索要贿赂,并为与我们无关的人制造机器人,并且基于没有证据的虚假信息,并在要求公司提供证据时拒绝回应14 天,我认为,要么他们处于破产边缘,要么他们在公司中没有真正的系统,并指出当 ntf 下跌时公司抛售两种货币
I can’t withdraw me and 25 persons in my team this company This company relies on network marketing. The company stopped the withdrawal of a total of 25 people without giving reasons. Some of the sponsors and the CEO asked for a bribe from the team through a person in another team and made robots for people who are not related to us and based on false information without evidence, and upon requesting evidence from The company has refrained from responding for 14 days, I think, either they are on the brink of bankruptcy, or they do not have a real system in the company, noting that the company dumped two currencies when the ntf fell