Disseram-me que posso investir com o valor mínimo de R500 depois de transferir o valor de R500 em Bitcoin para a plataforma deles, eles me disseram que era insuficiente e eu tenho que completar com R900. Eles me contataram depois de duas semanas me informando que conseguiram negociar com o valor mínimo que paguei, mas preciso pagar o saldo de R900 para que eles me paguem os lucros
I was told that I can invest with the minimum amount of R500 after I transferred the amount of R500 worth of Bitcoin to their platform they told me that it was insufficient and I have to top it up with R900 they contacted me after two weeks telling me that they managed to trade with the minimum amount I paid but I need to pay the balance of R900 for them to pay the profits to me