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UE reprime o anonimato criptográfico para combater a lavagem de dinheiro

UE reprime o anonimato criptográfico para combater a lavagem de dinheiro WikiBit 2024-03-24 01:56

In a decisive move, the European Union (EU) has implemented stricter measures to combat money laundering, aiming to safeguard financial transactions

  UE reprime o anonimato criptográfico para combater a lavagem de dinheiro

  In a decisive move, the European Union (EU) has implemented stricter measures to combat money laundering, aiming to safeguard financial transactions effectively. The recent directive prohibits the use of crypto wallets lacking clear proof of ownership, emphasizing transparency in these transactions.

  The new rule aims to eliminate the cloak of anonymity surrounding certain crypto transactions, ensuring closer scrutiny to prevent illicit financial activities. Approved by the EU Parliaments top committee on March 19, it mandates that all crypto payments must be traceable back to real-life identities.

  Controles mais rígidos implementados

  In addition to regulating crypto, the EU has tightened controls on cash dealings. Transactions exceeding €10,000 are now illegal, with private transfers capped at €3,000. These measures seek to prevent the concealment of funds and enhance oversight over significant financial movements.

  While many support the EUs proactive approach, criticism has emerged. Some European Parliament members express concerns about the impact on individual freedoms and financial privacy. They argue that stringent regulations could hinder economic activities and limit financial autonomy.

  Critics suggest that while tackling financial crimes is crucial, banning anonymous payments might not be the most effective solution.

  Leia também: Autoridade Bancária Europeia propõe regulamentações rigorosas para emissores de stablecoin sob MiCA

  Enfrentando desafios globais

  Nevertheless, the EUs directive forms part of a broader strategy. Recently, the European Parliament introduced additional measures to strengthen sanctions in response to escalating tensions, particularly the Russia-Ukraine conflict. These measures include provisions to prevent the use of cryptocurrencies to bypass financial sanctions.

  The EUs proactive stance underscores its commitment to combating financial crimes and promoting transparency in financial transactions. While sparking debates about the balance between security and privacy, these regulations represent a concerted effort to tackle emerging challenges.

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