A Site Visit to cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo in Foster City, United States, there is no real business venue

United States United States
Field Survey Time:2021-01-30
A Site Visit to cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo in Foster City, United States, there is no real business venue
A Site Visit to cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo in Foster City, United States, there is no real business venueA Site Visit to cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo in Foster City, United States, there is no real business venueA Site Visit to cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo in Foster City, United States, there is no real business venue

Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, United States

Reasons for Field Survey

East Asia and North America (mainly the United States) are the world’s two largest cryptocurrency trading markets, its trading volume accounting for about half of the global crypto market. Compared with many exchanges in East Asia, exchanges in United States are subject to stricter supervision and it has the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase; The field survey team went to United States to make survey so as to help investors understand the country's cryptocurrency exchanges more comprehensively.

Process of Field Survey

The field survey team in this issue went to Foster City, California, United States to visit the cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo. The survey address is 664 Harvester Dr, Foster, CA,US.



According to the above address, the field survey personnel came to the destination of this survey, Harvester Dr, Foster City, California, United States. It was found that this is a villa community without office buildings. It is about 35 minutes’drive from San Francisco.


The field survey personnel found Harvester Dr 664, which is a private residential area, not like an office venue. Moreover, they found no logo or other information of the cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo.

Summary of Field Survey

The field survey personnel visited the cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo in Foster City, California, United States. There is a private residential area on its publicly displayed address, without office building and any logo or other information of the exchange. That is, there may not have a real business venue for cryptocurrency exchange Bgogo. Investors are advised to choose this exchange carefully.

Statement of Field survey

The above content and opinions are for reference only and not as the basis for the final selection.

Broker Information

No Regulation



5-10 years | Suspicious Regulatory License | High potential risk
  • Company Name: BGOGO
  • Country/ Region of Registry: Cayman Islands
  • Abbreviation: BGOGO
  • Official Email: support@bgogo.com
  • Twitter : https://twitter.com/bitgogoofficial
  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BgogoExchange/
  • Customer Service Number: --