Helioj Exchange is a fraudulen



2023-12-29 12:05国旗Taiwan
Helioj Exchange is a fraudulent website. This website collaborates with a mainland Chinese woman named Lin Sijia to deceive investors into depositing money. They request notarization certification before allowing withdrawals once the investment reaches a certain stage. After the notarization certification is completed, they use the name of the US regulatory authority to deceive investors into paying a large amount of self-proclaimed guarantee deposit in order to claim the release of frozen funds. In the end, this website will freeze investors' assets using the names of the US regulatory authorities NASD (merged into Finra in 2007) and SEC. After our investigation, we have confirmed that both of these US government agencies have accused this website of being a fraudulent site.
Helioj Exchange 是個詐騙網站該網站和大陸女子林思嘉和網站配合欺騙投資人入金,等投資入金到一個階段再要求公證認證才能出金,公證認證結束之後,利用美國監管會名義,還要再被欺騙一筆要繳交高額自證保證金,才能宣稱解除凍結。該網站最後會利用美國監管會名義 NASD (已於2007年併入Finra)和 SEC名義凍結投資人財產!經我們查證這兩個美國政府單位都指證該網站是詐騙網站。