When they delist a currency and you don't withdraw it, they take it away from you. You must change it to USDt or the native currency, they are scammers [d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83d][de21][d83d][de21][d83d][dcaf]



2023-07-22 07:17国旗Venezuela
When they sell out a currency, they take it from you if they notify you. But if the trader doesn't take out the currency, they take it away. It's a scam. They should change it to USDT or the native currency. They are scammers.[d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c][d83e][dd2c]
cuando desalistan alguna moneda te la quitan si avisan pero si el trader no saca la moneda te la quitan es una estafa deben cambiarla a usdt o la moneda nativa son unos estafadores 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Unable to Withdraw