Unable to withdraw currency on October 2022



2023-05-01 20:21国旗Malaysia
I check this wallet every day. One day you need money but cannot withdraw it. After contacting customer service, they replied that the system was updated. One week later, it becomes a robot answer. After about 2 or 3 months, the platform disappeared. But there is also a web page for Coin Planet in FB and IG. There are two people inside who have been advocating the benefits of the platform, and they have also invested a lot of money into their cold wallets. APY is also good. After the incident, he didn't even speak up. It could be a victim or an accomplice. The fraudulent method is to make people appear like ordinary people using the platform and preach its benefits, and if they have enough funds, they will reshuffle
每一天都会检查这个冷钱包。某一天需要用钱 但是无法提币。联络客服之后有客服回答说系统更新。1周后变成机器人回答。大约2,3个月后平台消失。但是FB, IG里还有coin planet的网页。 里面有2位一直在鼓吹平台的好处,他们自己也投了不少资金进冷钱包,APY也不错。事情发生后也都不说话了。可能是受害者也可能是同伙。欺诈手段就是让样子像是普通人使用平台后鼓吹平台的好处,资金够了就割韭菜。
Unable to Withdraw


Unable to Withdraw

