We were deceived by a new currency (stk) that was purchased from the site on the grounds that it might rise after a time of two weeks, and then after that they told us that we should go to the Noah's Ark project and then After that, the site was closed for no longer available. I closed my account with a value of $5000
تم خداعنا عن طريق عملة جديده (stk)تم شراءها من الموقع عل سبيل انهاقد ترتفعبعد وقت اسبوعين ثم بعد ذلكابلغونا انه يجب ان نتجه الي مشروعسفينة نوح ثم بعد ذلك تم غلق الموقع لميعدمتاحااغلق ع حسابي بقيمة ٥٠٠٠$