Can't Withdraw Assets, Sorry Capital Can Borrow.

yanoe channel


2022-09-30 09:16国旗Indonesia
At the beginning, he said that you could withdraw on 14, then it was extended on the 23rd, 24th, and I was told to pay taxes. If you have paid taxes, please, later on the 23rd, you will be free to withdraw or WD, but in reality you are just a liar, sorry for the many mothers whose capital is borrowed from another bank.
Awal Katanya tanggal 14 bisa WD, terus di perpanjang tanggal 23, 24 disuruh bayar pajak. kalo sudah bayar pajak silakan nanti tanggal 23 bebas menarik atau WD, tapi pada kenyatannya hanya pembohong, kasihan banya ibu ibu yang modalnya minjam ke bang lain.