SDAG cannot withdraw anymore. The screen is completely useless, the message is that the withdrawal is successful, but it will never reach the wallet. After the last withdrawal on 111/June 24, it is completely impossible to withdraw. Today I withdraw a sum of 10674.71 again, I want to test again to see if I can't get it.



2022-08-14 14:20国旗Taiwan
Hello, I have inquired about SD AG, which is a trading platform with guaranteed FinCEN MSB license in the United States. The USDT that has been withdrawn more than 1,000 yuan can be withdrawn normally. Several transactions have also appeared, and withdrawals have also appeared. In the case that the account could not be received, the customer service in the exchange did not reply, and asked them to provide the TXID serial number of the transaction for the receiving wallet to check whether the account was issued normally, and no one responded, and the withdrawal details showed that the withdrawal was successful. But the money has never been credited in my wallet. For the money invested, the income details are running normally every day, but even if you can’t withdraw coins, it feels like the details are useless.
你好 有杳詢到SD A G這個交易所,算是美國FinCEN MSB牌照有保障的交易平台,之前提領1000多元的USDT可以正常的提領,幾次的交易也出現了狀況,提領,也出現了無法到帳 的情形,詢問交易所裡面的客服也都沒有答覆 請他們提供交易的TXID序號供收款錢包端查詢有無正常出帳,也沒有人回應,且提款明細秀出提幣成功,但是我的錢包裡面一直都沒有到款入帳。 投進去的錢,收益明細每天正常有在跑,可是就是讓你提不了幣,感覺明細也是形同虛設。
Unable to Withdraw