It issued sxch on April 22, 2021. 1 sxch=1T hashrate. Now it ran away. The wechat group dismissed in May. The Telegram group had changed name. Zicong was known as the head of it. The last announcement was post in March. According to platform data monitoring and comprehensive assessment of the risk control team, it delisted YEZ/USDT, CT/USDT, HOGE/USDT, CCT/USDT, APN/USDT, The BEVA/USDT, SILVER/USDT, BABY/USDT at 15:00 (GMT+8) on August 10, 2021. Please notice it. Note: the purchase restriction function is currently enabled due to the lack of liquidity of the token. Please contact with the online customer service.
Operation Team
August 4, 2021
根据支点交易所惯用的剂量是大量上新币,然后砸盘套现后下线清零! 平台数据监测及风控团队的综合评定,平台将于2021年8月10日15:00 (GMT+8)下架YEZ/USDT、CT/USDT、HOGE/USDT、CCT/USDT、APN/USDT、BEVA/USDT、SILVER/USDT、BABY/USDT交易对,特此提前公告!