He led users to buy 0.1 or 0.3 ETH on major exchanges through various wallets such as imtoken and send them to the designated contract mining pool address. Then the wallet received uniswsp fake tokens of 1:126. They pretended to be customer service and said you could sell them to make profits. They cheated freshmen in the blockchain industry. Beware.
利用各种钱包,包括imtoken 等,让用户在各大交易所购买ETH最少0.1或者0.3个,发到指定的合约矿池地址,然后你的钱包就会收到1:126相应的uniswsp假代币,他们会冒充xxx客服说,你可以在各大交易所卖掉套利,实际上骗子是利用高利润欺骗不懂区块链的新人,这些假代币在钱包是可以看到你的总价格,但是当你发送或者兑换的时候,完全不能兑换,即便你发送到各大交易所智能合约无法识别就会退回来。请大家一定要警惕,牛市来了一定要拿好手中的币。