Cheate 567257 yuan

Qiao Lin


2021-03-30 21:35国旗Italy
On December 8, 2020, I met a person who claimed to be Cen Zihao on social platforms. At that time, he told me that he was in New York, the United States, from Xuhui District, Shanghai. After that, we added WeChat and WhatsApp to each other, and slowly joined him. Became a friend. I thought he was Chinese. We were all Chinese overseas. I talked to him like a friend. Who knew he was purposeful, a liar, and all his identity information was fake (I didn’t know until I was scammed. He is what the current population is talking about.) After getting acquainted with him, he mentioned digital currency to me. I don’t understand this at all. He said it’s okay that he would teach me to do it with me. I wanted to hold and learn from him, so I believed him as a Chinese friend. At first, he asked me to download the official Binance platform. Later he taught me how to buy coins. Then he said Binance is just a transit station. He introduced another private blockchain and asked me to make a short-term plan. He said that he used the Kaili formula to plan. He sent me this link to download. After that, he taught me to do two short-term sessions, one for 20,000 yuan, and the first The second time it was 140,000 RMB, and both times he asked me to withdraw it. The last time he asked me to do a price of 49 ETH in Binance Tun Haobi, he said that there would be a storm. I also believed him and put 49 ETH later. An ETH coin was transferred from the Binance platform to this black platform. After arriving at their platform, they would ask me to exchange it into USTD to operate. The last time I was scammed by them, I can’t withdraw a coin until now.
2020年12月8号在社交平台上认识了一位自称是岑子豪的人,当时他告诉我说他在美国纽约,来自上海徐汇区,之后我们互加了微信和WhatsApp,慢慢的也和他成为了朋友,我以为他是华人在海外我们都是中国人我就把他当朋友一样交谈,谁知道他是有目的的,是个骗子,所有身份信息都是假的(被骗后我才知道他就是现在人人口中说的杀猪盘),慢慢的和他熟悉后他就向我提到了数字货币,我对这个一点都不懂,他说没关系他会教我带我做,当时就是想抱着想向他学习也就把他当做华人朋友一样就相信了他,刚开始他叫我下载了币安正规平台,后面他教我如何买币,之后他说币安只是一个中转站 ,后面他就介绍另外一个私人区块链叫我做短线 ,他说他以什么凯立公式做计划,他发了这个链接给我下载,之后他教我做了两次短线,一次两万人民币 ,第二次是14万人民币 ,两次他都让我提现了,最后一次他说要来什么风暴叫我在币安屯好币做一次49个ETH的行情,我也就听信了他,后面把49个ETH币从币安平台转划到这个黑平台上,到他们这个平台后他们会叫我兑换成USTD来操作,最后一次我就被他们诈骗去了,到现在一个币都提不出来
Unable to Withdraw


Unable to Withdraw

