The name of decentralization, known as the "largest multi-chain wallet", Bit Keep has frequently been exposed to theft of coins. A member revealed that he had withdrawn 197 U to BK wallets from the Matcha Exchange. However, the member found that as soon as the assets arrived in the wallet, and then within 3 minutes, the money in the wallet was transferred to an unknown account.
去中心化的名头,号称“最大的多链钱包”,Bit keep却频频被爆出盗币事件。有会员爆料,自己从抹茶交易所提取了197个U到BK钱包,然而发现资产前脚刚到钱包,后脚资金就在3分钟之内,钱包里的钱就被转到了某个不知名的账户