Apply for withdrawal on March 13 while the next day I was told that the coin would arrive in succession for the added nodes. While the U Coin went back to my account and the withdrawal channel was closed. The group leader said this was because the price of EMC should be raised. And we should use U Convert or transfer to EMC. The service provider lost a lot cuz they should pay 300u as margin. Please polish your eyes. Do not leave many assets in your account. Put the assets in a big exchange, such as Huobi, Binance and OKEx. The price of RMC was 0.45 yuan on March 14 and 0.07 on March 15.
Emc空气币割韭菜,u拼3.13日凌晨提币3u没有到第二天说增加节点,会陆续到账,结果3.14号提币返回账户,u拼提币通道关闭,群里团队长说,提升拉升emc币值,用u兑换或者转换成emc,3,15日u拼跑路,软件打不开 ,服务器关闭,真垃圾,幸好没有一拖五个号,都亏进去了,服务商也亏了,服务商还要交押金,300u,服务商血亏,请币圈的朋友擦亮眼睛,有关拼团项目的就是,注意,拼团都是后面的补前面的坑,割的都是后面的韭菜,转嫁或者有迹象的话就,注意了,账户里不要留大量资金,把资金放在大的交易所里,火币,币安,欧易之类的,收割了一波韭菜,3.14号emc币价0,45人民币,3.15号0.07人民币,吃相未免太难看了。