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Overview of kiwipool

Kiwipool is a recognized mining pool for cryptocurrencies, notably Chia (XCH). This mining pool aims to provide a fairer, more efficient and effective mining ecosystem for its associates. The operations are carried out virtually, spanning across different geographical locations of its users. It's an ideal choice for individuals seeking a supportive mining community with a reliable and stable infrastructure for mining activities.

Overview of kiwipool.png

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Provides a fair mining ecosystem Incomplete geographical transparency in operations
Efficient and effective interface for mining Lack of expressiveness in public disclosures
Supportive mining community
Reliable and stable infrastructure for mining activities


- Fair Mining Ecosystem: Kiwipool strives to offer a fair mining environment to its users. This means, the rewards are distributed with respect to the contributed mining power. Such a system encourages miners to actively participate and share resources.

- Efficient and Effective Interface: The platform provides an efficient mining system and user-friendly interface. Users can easily navigate through the platform and monitor their mining progress. This contributes to an effective mining experience.

- Supportive Mining Community: Kiwipool hosts a supportive community of miners. Users are able to share knowledge, help each other solve problems, and improve their mining strategies. The presence of a supportive community enhances the mining experience for both experienced and novice miners.

- Reliable and Stable Infrastructure: Kiwipools infrastructure is developed to withstand various issues related to cryptocurrency mining. It ensures the platform runs smoothly and without major setbacks, enabling users to continue their mining activities without disruptions.


- Incomplete Geographical Transparency in Operations: Kiwipool does not provide clear details regarding the geographical locations of its operations. This lack of transparency can potentially discourage miners who prefer to collaborate with pools that are transparent about their operational locations.

- Lack of Expressiveness in Public Disclosures: The platform appears to be relatively quiet concerning updates or plans. Regular public disclosures are important in maintaining user trust and keeping the mining community informed about the platform's development and changes.


Secure payment processing: It uses a variety of secure payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. All transactions are processed through secure servers to protect your financial information.

Fraud protection: It uses a variety of fraud protection measures to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions. These measures include:

Real-time fraud detection: It uses real-time fraud detection systems to identify suspicious transactions in real time.

3D Secure: It supports 3D Secure, an additional layer of security that requires you to verify your identity with your bank before completing a transaction.

Data protection: Kiwipool takes the protection of your personal data seriously. Your personal data is stored securely and is only used for the purposes of processing your booking and providing you with customer service.

How Does kiwipool Work?

Kiwipool operates as a collaborative mining platform where individuals join their resources to mine Chia coins, also known as XCHs. This collaborative effort increases the chances of solving mathematical problems that secure the blockchain and yield mining rewards. The rewards are then distributed among kiwipool participants in proportion to their input, ensuring each member gets a fair share.

Once a user signs up with Kiwipool, they become part of the pool's combined network. The user's computer, called a plotter, devotes its resources (including hard drive space and processing power) to solve complex equations that enable the writing of new blocks onto the Chia blockchain.

When any member of Kiwipool successfully mines a new block, the rewards are distributed across the network. The distribution is proportional to the amount of space each member has committed from their hard drive. In this way, every user participating in the pool benefits from the collective mining effort, and the likelihood of earning returns is significantly higher than solo mining.

How Does kiwipool Work?.png

What Makes kiwipool Unique?

Kiwipool has several distinct features that contribute to its unique standing in the cryptocurrency mining ecosystem. Firstly, Kiwipool's revenue model is approximately based on PPLNS (Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares), which can offer better returns for miners compared to traditional proportional systems. This rewards model encourages constant contribution and offers protection against pool-hopping users.

Secondly, it has an open community for miners where members can share their knowledge and experience and support each other. This makes it a suitable platform for new miners who might need guidance and advice from more experienced miners.

Thirdly, Kiwipool offers a user-friendly interface which makes it easier for miners to monitor their activities, earnings, and the status of the pool. The platform provides real-time updates on critical data like the system's hash rate and pool statistics, allowing miners to make more informed decisions.

Lastly, Kiwipool prioritizes fairness and transparency in mining. The mining rewards are distributed based on the work each miner contributes, ensuring an equitable system.

How to Sign up?

To sign up with Kiwipool, users need to follow these general guidelines:

1. Visit the official kiwipool website and look for a 'Log In' button on the homepage.

click on the Log In button

2. Click on it and you will be directed to a registration form.

sign uo with Google/Facebook/email

3. Fill in the necessary details including your email address and create a secure password.

4. You will also be required to verify your email address by clicking a link sent to your email.

5. Once your account is confirmed, you can now proceed to set up your miner from the account dashboard.

Can You Make Money?

Individuals can potentially make money by participating in the Kiwipool mining program. The profits, however, are not guaranteed and can vary based on a number of factors. These can include the market value of the specific cryptocurrency being mined, in this case-chia (XCH), the overall computing power or 'hash rate' of the participant's hardware, the cost of electricity in the user's location, and other variable costs associated with maintaining and operating the participants' mining equipment.

Here are some useful tips for those considering participating in the Kiwipool mining program:

1. Understand the Costs: It's important to be aware of the costs involved in cryptocurrency mining. These include the initial investment in hardware, the ongoing electricity costs, and other potential maintenance costs.

2. Do your research: Study the market trends of the cryptocurrency you're mining. The profitability of mining can vastly depend on the value of the mined coins.

3. Start with a mining calculator: Before starting, inputs like cost of your mining hardware, power consumption, and the current price of the cryptocurrency can be put into a mining profitability calculator to estimate potential earnings.

4. Consider joining a mining pool: Mining pools like Kiwipool can potentially increase the chances of earning rewards, as mining power is pooled together. This can be a more profitable option than solo mining, depending on the currency and the pool's reward structure.

5. Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about the latest developments in the crypto world. Changes in regulations, technology, and the financial market can all impact the profitability of mining.

Please remember, while making money through cryptocurrency mining is possible, it should be considered a speculative investment. It's highly advised to only invest what you can afford to lose and to thoroughly research and understand what you're getting involved in before you start.


Kiwipool is a recognized cryptocurrency mining pool with a focus on Chia (XCH). It offers a fair and efficient mining ecosystem, accompanied by a supportive community and a stable infrastructure. The pool's actual security measures aren't transparently stated, yet they are presumed to align with industry norms based on the platform's functioning. A unique feature of Kiwipool includes its revenue model based on PPLNS, which aims to offer better returns for miners. Lastly, while the platform provides a potential avenue for earning, it's crucial that users understand the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies and the various costs associated with mining before joining a mining pool like Kiwipool.


Q: What makes Kiwipool unique?

A: Kiwipool is distinctive due to its PPLNS (Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares) based revenue model, open community for miners, easy-to-navigate interface, and commitment towards fairness and transparency in mining.

Q: Can I earn money by participating in Kiwipool?

A: While earnings are possible through participation in Kiwipool, they are not guaranteed. Profits depend on the participant's hardware, electricity costs, maintenance costs, and the current market value of the mined Chia coins.

Risk Warning

Investing in blockchain projects carries inherent risks, stemming from the intricate and groundbreaking technology, regulatory ambiguities, and market unpredictability. Consequently, it is highly advisable to conduct comprehensive research, seek professional guidance, and engage in financial consultations before venturing into such investments. It's important to be aware that the value of cryptocurrency assets can experience significant fluctuations and may not be suitable for all investors.