Coming Soon: New Trading Fees on All Spot Trades (including Maker Rebates)


Связанный тип: Others

2023-06-02 08:16

From Wednesday, 7 June 2023 at 00:00 UTC, users will receive maker rebates and new taker fees when trading any of the eleven spot pairs on BitMEX. The new spot trading fee schedule is: –0.025% for Makers 0.075% for Takers. This fee change applies to all users and on all spot trading pairs at BitMEX. Please note that, derivatives trading and coin conversions are not impacted by this change. Discounts on spot fees are available by staking BMEX Tokens, however volume based discounts will not be applied, until further notice. Those seeking a larger breakdown on our fees please visit this page. Please note, it is currently in review ahead of these changes. If you have any questions, please contact Support.